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Best Practice #1
Saturday, January 30th, 2010
Cities across the United States are creating and expanding Ethics Commissions, Ethics Offices and Inspector Generals in order to fight corruption and establish higher ethical standards for their governments.
I will be posting some of the best ideas from these programs on this site.
If you have comments on what is written, good, bad or just a stray idea, please comment!
Carla Miller, president, City Ethics.
The first BEST PRACTICE entry is "Ethics Program Essentials". These are key points to consider when starting an ethics program. Click HERE to view the full Ethics Essentials overview.
Ethics Program Essentials
- Ethics Code
- Training
- Advice
- Financial Disclosure
- Independent Ethics Commission
- Ethics Officer
- Transparency
- Campaign Financing, Elections
- Hot Lines and Whistle-Blower Protection
- Values-Based Program
10 problem areas
(From the Josephson Institute)- Gifts/Golf/Sports Events/Freebies
- Special Loans/Deals
- Consulting Fees
- Government Contracts
- Honoraria and Speaking Fees
- Using Government Resources (Internet; Cars)
- Hiring Relatives
- Leaving Government (who do you work for?)
- Political Intervention
- Whistle-Blowing/Retaliation
- cmiller's blog
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