Ethics Commission Community Outreach
Community outreach is usually toward the bottom of a local government
ethics commission's priority list.<br>
Googling one thing or another, I came across <a href="" target="”_blank”">this
memo</a> from the executive director of the Oakland Public Ethics
Commission, which includes an invitation to members of the press,
government, and community groups to come to an EC "retreat" to share
with EC members their views on how the EC can do a better job. The
invitation specifies discussion topics, but leaves the discussion
open-ended, as well.<br>
What a refreshing idea! Too often people assume that if the community
has something to say, citizens will come to meetings and make
themselves heard. But this is only true when there are timely and
controversial issues. Ethics commissions often meet irregularly, and
when there is not a scandal afoot, no outsiders attend. EC members work
practically in a vacuum.<br>
It is both useful and gracious to extend invitations to specific
individuals and groups, and to bring them together for an occasion
where they are the stars. It might not work -- few people may attend.
But at least you would have tried. And as with conflicts, the
appearance of being open to ideas and criticism from the community is
important to developing trust and legitimacy.<br>
Another approach is to write to individuals and groups, asking for
their written input. But few will respond, primarily interest groups,
particularly good government groups.<br>
Another approach is to interview people one by one. This can be very
effective, but it is very time-consuming, and it does not allow for the
sort of dialogue and brainstorming that a group discussion can provide. A group event also provides an opportunity for ethics training of the press, officials, and good government and other community groups.<br>
Robert Wechsler<br>
Director of Research-Retired, City Ethics<br>