making local government more ethical

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  1. The Fort Worth Council, Mayor, and City Attorney Deal Irresponsibly With a Conflict Situation

    ... to the ethics code, nor was there time for public review and comment. The mayor said the changes wouldn't be considered until after the ...

    Robert Wechsler - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 0 comments

  2. Model Code - Introduction

    ... following sections or subsections. There are two kinds of comment: (i) comments of the author intended for those who will consider this ... Permalink I'm sorry, but this question is outside my area of expertise. It's a state issue, ...

    donmc - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 6 comments

  3. Albert Hirschman's Exit, Voice, and Loyalty

    ... room for longer and more frequent public hearings and public comment periods, and make those hearings and periods available to the public on ...

    Robert Wechsler - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 0 comments

  4. Bridging the Gulf Between Administrative and Government Ethics

    ... Leading and Building Organizations of Integrity (M.E. Sharpe, 2012), Donald C. Menzel added a new chapter, "Local Government ... or disagree, and why? Please put your views in the form of a comment to this post, and help get the dialogue started. Robert Wechsler ...

    Robert Wechsler - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 0 comments
