making local government more ethical

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A 27-page Introduction to Local Government Ethics!

Government ethics is one of the most misunderstood topics among local government officials and employees, government...
Larry Lessign speaking in the Plenary Session at #UNRIG Summit in Feb 2018

Fix Democracy, First

Watch it on youtube here:

Lots of coverage of the Summit here on the official website: of Larry's speech From:



Brief Bio:

Carla Miller is a global government ethics advisor, former U.S. Federal Prosecutor and founder of CityEthics, a non-governmental organization that provides ethics advisory services to local governments. She has extensive national and international experience in creating anti-corruption and ethics programs for governments and civil society. As a former Fellow of the Harvard University Safra Center for Ethics, she uses the latest research-based techniques to inspire, motivate and empower people to be ethics and transparency champions, while pushing through resistance to their efforts. Carla is skilled at curating and simplifying essential international standards and making it fun to learn critical skills and information. Her passion is to help people to focus on their purpose and increase their skills so that they can be successful in creating positive change in their communities.

Carla has worked for more than 20 years to build a strong ethics program in her home city, Jacksonville, Florida. She was Chair of the local Ethics Commission, helped to draft the City’s first ethics code, served as its first Ethics Officer (as a volunteer), fought for (and won) independence for the Ethics Commission; drafted a successful referendum to establish an Inspector General system; and handled thousands of calls on an ethics hotline. She has been the City’s Ethics Director since 2007. [Read then Mayor Peyton's speech appointing Carla as Ethics Officer on August 28th 2007]

From 2013-2015, Carla was a Network Fellow at the Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University where she developed ethics training programs for municipalities and participated in various research projects.

Huffington Post on the Tallahassee referendum

Huffington Post article on the 11/4 referendum...

A new Sunshine Law suit in Florida...

From the Miami Herald blog: Newspapers, advocates sue the governor and Cabinet for sunshine violation The Florida Society of Newspaper Editors, the Associated Press, a Tampa lawyer and a coalition of sunshine advocates filed a lawsuit late Tuesday alleging that Gov. Rick Scott and the Cabinet violated the state's open meeting laws when the governor unilaterally decided to "force the resignation" of former Florida Department of Law Enforcement Chief Gerald Bailey and they consented.
