making local government more ethical

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Robert Wechsler
Yesterday, the California Supreme Court published its decision relating to the conflict of interest charges against five members of San Diego's pension board, which I discussed a couple months ago in a blog post.

Robert Wechsler
I continue to be thankful for Sarah Palin's incredible ability to get pedestrian government ethics issues into the public eye. This time it's the use of private e-mails for public business, according to an article in yesterday's New York Times.

Robert Wechsler
Many local government ethics codes have a provision that, when officials publicly give personal opinions rather than the government's position, requires them to clearly state that they are not representing the local government. Here's the one from the ethics code in Santa Clarita (CA) where, according to an...
Robert Wechsler
Which is the more troubling misuse of office? A local government official having a citizen arrested for criticizing him, or a local government official using tax dollars to pay off a citizen so that it doesn't come out that the politician has influence over whom the police arrest?

Robert Wechsler
The Citizens United decision from the Supreme Court this week says that, for the purpose of First Amendment free speech rights in a political context, corporations are persons. Until now, they were considered fictional persons, since they lack such things as arms, brains, and the right to vote.

Will the majority's conclusions affect conflicts of interest law? Here's a...

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Donec leo. Aliquam risus elit, luctus vel, interdum vitae, malesuada eget, elit. Nulla vitae ipsum. Donec ligula ante, bibendum sit amet, elementum quis, viverra eu, ante. Fusce tincidunt. Mauris pellentesque, arcu eget feugiat...
