making local government more ethical

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  1. Going Beyond Dismissal to Provide Useful Guidance

    ... now that its highness has two meanings, who knows). On a happier note, this post will look at an excellent decision by Denver's ... The board doesn't stop there. It provides the further guidance of encouraging officials to "exercise a proactive approach to ...

    Robert Wechsler - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 0 comments

  2. Ethics Guidance For and Jurisdiction Over Independent Agencies

    ... brought allegations against a school superintendent who sat on the board of one of the collaboratives, according to an article in ... and Enterprise . The superintendent, one of five on the collaborative board, is alleged to have participated in a decision to ...

    Robert Wechsler - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 0 comments

  3. Vague, Character-Based Ethics Rules Give More Power Than Guidance

    ... commission, the existence of a conflict may be dependent on whether the council member is in the minority or majority party or faction, ... Robert Wechsler's blog Story Topics:  Advisory Opinions Conflicts Ethics Officers ...

    Robert Wechsler - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 0 comments

  4. Carrigan Decision: Seeking Ethics Advice Is Due Process

    ... Nevada conflict provision's language is unusual. Nevada Revised Statutes §281A.420.8(a) defines a term I've never seen used anywhere ... at least in the sense that they provide sufficient guidance to allow an official to make a decision on his own. They do, however, ...

    Robert Wechsler - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 0 comments

  5. Members

    Member Cities & Counties of CityEthics DENVER, Colorado HONOLULU, Hawaii ... CLICK HERE As a member, you can post materials on our Website, share "best practices", and find out about upcoming ethics ...

    donmc - 2024-07-10 13:31 - 0 comments

  6. The Public's Right to a Public-Interested Representative

    ... Washoe County (NV) district court, Carrigan v. Commission on Ethics of the State of Nevada (attached; see below), a city council member ... The statutory language is admittedly odd. Nevada Revised Statutes §281A.420 .8(a) defines an unusual term, "commitment in a ...

    Robert Wechsler - 2018-12-19 17:18 - 0 comments

  7. Drupal post typography

    ... style to notify your vistors of downloadable content and files. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <p ... style to notify your vistors of downloadable content and files. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <p ...

    donmc - 2010-01-22 11:24 - 0 comments

  8. City Ethics Support

    ... style to notify your visitors of downloadable content and files. To use this style, enclose your text within the following html: <p ... This page demonstrates how various markup on looks. Example h2 heading Drupal modules define themeable functions ...

    donmc - 2015-04-28 15:55

  9. Using the category index in City Ethics

    ... views of the entries for each " category " Click on the category that interests you for more information... City ... In the news Public Campaign Finance About Cityethics US States City of Jacksonville, FL ...

    donmc - 2008-04-14 14:57

  10. Great editorial in

    ... Good move by the City Council in recently approving some ...

    donmc - 2010-12-03 14:37 - 0 comments
